Friday, July 8, 2016

Our Generation is More Than Just a Hashtag

Millennials and Gen Z-ers are often criticized for their need for instant gratification. No breaking news here. The “my way, right now” generations have the world at their fingertips. And while there are more case studies, research, and arguments than I can count bemoaning our generation’s addiction to technology, there are powerful benefits to being so connected. Thanks to technology, young adults are reshaping how an individual can make a difference. Our connectedness takes us beyond our communities, out of our comfort zones, and around the world. It empowers our generation to take action on issues that matter to us most.
Youth-driven social activism gets results. Our generation of activists has a tool unlike any previous generation: the technology to act instantly. We learn and connect online. We develop opinions and we use social media as a megaphone to make a difference. Online activism is a powerful experience; and I believe we are creating real change through it.

Here’s an example: I find it astounding and unacceptable that 1 in 5 kids in the U.S. can’t count on their next meal. I am passionate about ending childhood hunger in America. It’s an issue that matters to me. Organizations like No Kid Hungry are addressing the issue head-on, and making the connection that most people miss to reach kids with healthy, nutritious food. And what is my generation amazing at? Making connections. By empowering youth to be a part of the solution, we can play a critical role in ending hunger in America.
Together with No Kid Hungry, other youth activists and I are using social media to be a voice for the children just a few years behind us, to educate young adults around the country about hunger, and to show our peers how they can help kids who may be struggling. We’ve created online communities of like-minded advocates, and together we’re engaging and educating our fellow young people about hunger. But it doesn’t stop at just conversation. We’re supporting solid, real-world solutions, too, like asking our leaders at the state and national levels for changes to food and nutrition policy.
Our generation is more than just a hashtag. We are the next generation of hunger leaders and advocates, taking a stand and not allowing our peers and families to go hungry. We are no different from any committed movement of passionate people who see a brighter future for generations to come. We just happen to talk about it in 140 characters or less. I’m encouraged to see my friends and peers use their online power for the better. They inspire me to stand up for all I care about.

So what do you care about? I’d love to hear how you’re making a difference. Connect with me online: @amandlastenberg.

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